Information And Communication Technology Articles

Technology is a design for instrumental actions that reduce uncertainty in the causal relationships involved in achieving the desired results. Technology usually has two aspects, namely hardware aspects (consisting of material or physical objects) and aspects of software (consisting of an information base for hardware). Both aspects are important for practical use of computers, but because hardware is more visible to casual observers, we think the main technology is hardware.

Communication technology in modern societies such as the United States. Communication technology is hardware equipment, organization, structure and social values ​​that individuals use to collect, process and exchange information with other individuals. Furthermore, what is more important is the nature and function of new media for most people to exchange information. In reality, new communication technology is not only characterized by the presence of new single technologies such as microcomputers and satellites, but combines elements from new types of communication such as using satellites to provide a wide range of programming for cable television systems. Examples of new communication technologies are network teleconferencing, electronic systems, computer bulletin boards, and interactive cable television.

Changes to human communication as a result of new technology
1. A new communication system has a certain level of interactivity, such as two-person or face-to-face conversations. Interactivity is the ability of a new communication system to speak back to the user or almost like an individual participating in a conversation.
2. The new media is also demassified, namely that a special message can be exchanged with each individual in a large audience. Equalizing individualization like new media for interpersonal face-to-face communication, except that they are not face to face.
3. New communication technology is also synchronous, which means they have the ability to send or receive messages at the right time for an individual.

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