On this occasion, we will discuss a few tips to avoid losing keys, be it the keys to the car, house, safe, gate, motorcycle and other keys. The key is a tool or something to access an object, therefore we must be more careful when we store the key, but the name of the human must not escape from the name of the error, the error also various kinds such as forgetfulness, neglect, do not really care and other mistakes.

If we have lost the key then we realize how valuable and important the tool called KEY, this is the great key. If at any time you lose the key and really need the key for urgent needs, you can use the services of Aspley Locksmith to solve the problem. Here are 5 tips to avoid losing keys:
Create a duplicate or backup key
Making a key is very important because having a spare key makes us calmer than losing a key because we already have a backup.
Save the Duplicate key in a safe place
If you have duplicated the key or you just bought the item that has the key, then it should be saved in a safe place if you don’t forget to put the spare key as well, it would be bad if we keep the spare key instead we would forget to put it somewhere.
Give the key hanger
Sometimes when we neglect the key can sneak in various places, therefore give a key chain that if not easily slip. Even key chains today use tracking devices, so when we lose a key, we just need to open the application to find the key.
Get used to putting the key somewhere or making a special place for the key
Make a special key in a place where not many people know where your key is, to avoid theft from relatives, neighbors or others. because there have been many cases of lost goods swallowed by their own neighbors.
Keep out of reach of children
Children are sometimes attracted to new keys or hangers. and make the key in toys made by children will definitely be lost, forgotten or do not know where. Therefore, keep your keys out of the reach of children.
That is 5 tips to avoid losing keys, but if your key is already gone then you do not worry because the Stronghold locksmith will always be ready to provide solutions and solutions if you have a problem that occurs in your key of any kind.