New Tech

5 Tips for Safe Buying a New iPhone & Accessories

The development of the technological world has now been very advanced and sophisticated. Almost everything is now affected by the development of digital technology. One of them is in terms of gadgets. The rapid and rapid development of gadgets has triggered intense competition among gadget brands, especially smartphones. With the development of existing technology, smartphones are not just tools to communicate via voice or text. However, many features are embedded in the smartphone that makes its function increasingly developed. You name it, music player, video player, internet, and the most popular of course is the camera.

The number of smartphone users is increasing from year to year. This also affects the number of competing brands. At present every year there are new smartphone brands that participate in global competition. One brand that is already very popular and famous by its exclusivity is Apple, which was founded by Steve Jobs. The Apple smartphone product, named the iPhone, is one of the most widely used smartphone products in the world. In Indonesia alone, iPhone users are increasing every year. Not just a tool, the iPhone has now become a lifestyle.

Tips for Buying a New iPhone

Many people who buy and use an iPhone not only because of its function, but because of its exclusive brand. In buying an iPhone, now many places that provide this product. Therefore, in buying it  must be careful. Here are tips for  to pay attention to in buying a new iPhone.

Shop or Selling Place

The … Read More


5 Benefits of Computers for everyday life, use them Wisely

Along with the times, all activities carried out are made easier by the various innovations created, one of which is computers. In this technology era, the existence of computers is very important. The benefits of computers are considered as a multifunctional tool and are well known by many people. Both from small children, teenagers and even adults though. Has a multi-functional use, making the existence of computers often found in supermarkets, offices, banks, schools, and so on. Even now, each house also has computers of various types and shapes. For example, like a laptop.

Although computers are able to do anything, aka multifunctional, not many people know significantly about the benefits of computers themselves. Yes, people who use computers only know and use the basics of computers. So that you can’t feel the excess benefits of the computer. For that, so that you can get more benefits from computers, you need to get to know some of the benefits of computers so that you can have special skills to get more benefits from computers. The benefit of the first computer that can be used by almost everyone is to make it a communication tool. Yes, the benefits of computers as a means of communication have been growing in the last few decades. This is because it replaces the function of a landline telephone.

By using a computer, you can access the internet to connect with friends or relatives later through several media. For example, you can send messages by email, … Read More

Information Technology

Information And Communication Technology Articles

Technology is a design for instrumental actions that reduce uncertainty in the causal relationships involved in achieving the desired results. Technology usually has two aspects, namely hardware aspects (consisting of material or physical objects) and aspects of software (consisting of an information base for hardware). Both aspects are important for practical use of computers, but because hardware is more visible to casual observers, we think the main technology is hardware.

Communication technology in modern societies such as the United States. Communication technology is hardware equipment, organization, structure and social values ​​that individuals use to collect, process and exchange information with other individuals. Furthermore, what is more important is the nature and function of new media for most people to exchange information. In reality, new communication technology is not only characterized by the presence of new single technologies such as microcomputers and satellites, but combines elements from new types of communication such as using satellites to provide a wide range of programming for cable television systems. Examples of new communication technologies are network teleconferencing, electronic systems, computer bulletin boards, and interactive cable television.

Changes to human communication as a result of new technology
1. A new communication system has a certain level of interactivity, such as two-person or face-to-face conversations. Interactivity is the ability of a new communication system to speak back to the user or almost like an individual participating in a conversation.
2. The new media is also demassified, namely that a special message can be exchanged with each Read More

General Article

Technology Article on Computer Development

The computer was first invented in 1822 which was originally only used as a quick calculator called the difference engine. Stealth in 1833 Charles Babbage developed another difference engine with a more in-depth and general concept. This machine can carry out any calculations, so this is the first machine known as a general purpose digital computer called the analytical engine.
In 1937, Prof. Howard Aikem, began designing and developing the manufacture of a computer that can perform arithmetic and logic operations automatically. The computer designed by Prof. Howard was originally just an electronic mechanic. Then with the help of the IBM company, the electronics company that is now also a computer company in 1944, the design computer was resolved electronically. The computer was named “Harvard Mark I Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (ASCC)”.

In 1948, began to find transistors, this is the forerunner of all electronic goods that have a small size drastically. No exception with a computer that previously had a super large size. In 1956 transistors began to be used on computers that made computers work faster, more economically, and smaller. Beginning with various large companies using computers as supporting financial information processing.
In 1958 Jack Kilby developed an integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit). IC combines three electronic components in a small silicon disk made of quartz sand. The scientists then succeeded in inserting more components into a single chip called a semiconductor. The result is that computers are getting smaller, because some component functions have been taken over by Read More

Latest Technology

Taiwan May Further Prohibit Tech Over Spectre Of Mainland China Taking Delicate Expertise

Radiologic Know-how

Convert to videos even DVD as output from all in style codecs. HyperCam is powerful video seize software program that records AVI films immediately from your monitor, for software program displays, software coaching, demos, tutorials, and fun! HyperCam helps text annotations, sound, and display screen notes (great for creating automated software demos!). You can even select Frame rate and compression high quality prior to video seize. HyperSnap 6is the fastest and easiest approach to take display screen captures from Windows display and text seize from locations where system text copy is not potential.

about technology

Taiwan Might Additional Restrict Tech Over Spectre Of Mainland China Taking Delicate Expertise

HyperSnap combines the power of a primary-class display screen seize application with an advancedimage enhancing utility – wrapped into one simple-to-use device! Use HyperSnap to quickly share a picture-good representation of something on your display screen. Support BD playback on Mac&PC, and in addition another media formats; DTS5.1, AriX and CUDA acceleration technology added. Convert all of the files to Apple ipod, Sony PSP, MP4 Player, smartphone. Easy to make use of and convert on to iPad/iPhone/iPod/PSP/3GP units with out knowing any codecs.

All-In-One Converter is the most effective video converter for changing movies and output DVD formats. Rip, copy and convert DVD to hottest video/audio formats even HD video.… Read More

Future Technology

The Role of Newest Technology in the Modern Pharmacy Industry

Technological Innovations in Pharmacy

The integration of the newest technology in the pharmacy industry is revolutionizing how medications are managed, dispensed, and consumed. From automation to digital health platforms, these advancements are streamlining operations, improving patient outcomes, and enhancing the overall efficiency of pharmaceutical care.

Automation and Robotics

Automation is at the forefront of modernizing pharmacies. Automated dispensing systems, for instance, significantly reduce the risk of human error during the medication dispensing process. These systems ensure precise dosing and minimize the chances of cross-contamination. Furthermore, robotics in pharmacy can handle repetitive tasks such as sorting, counting, and packaging medications, freeing up pharmacists to focus on patient care and consultation.

Digital Health Platforms

Digital health platforms are transforming the way patients and pharmacists interact. Telepharmacy services allow patients to consult with pharmacists remotely, ensuring that individuals in rural or underserved areas have access to professional pharmaceutical care. These platforms also support medication management apps that help patients adhere to their medication schedules through reminders and educational content.

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in drug development and personalized medicine. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify potential drug candidates, predict their effectiveness, and accelerate clinical trials. This technology is not only speeding up the drug discovery process but also enabling the creation of personalized treatment plans based on a patient’s genetic makeup and health history.

Enhancing Supply Chain Management

The pharmacy supply chain is becoming more efficient and transparent thanks to technologies … Read More

Newest Technology

The Impact of Newest Technology on Modern Life

Technological Advancements Shaping Our World

The rapid pace of technological advancement is transforming every facet of our lives. From the way we communicate to how we work, play, and even take care of our health, the newest technology is at the forefront of these changes. Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are not just buzzwords but are increasingly becoming integral to our daily existence.

Revolutionizing Communication

One of the most profound impacts of the newest technology is on communication. The advent of 5G technology has significantly increased the speed and reliability of mobile networks, enabling real-time communication and data sharing on an unprecedented scale. This enhancement has profound implications for remote work, telemedicine, and even social interactions. Video calls and virtual meetings have become the norm, bridging geographical distances and making global collaboration seamless.

Transforming Healthcare

The healthcare sector is experiencing a paradigm shift due to technological advancements. Telemedicine has become a viable alternative to traditional in-person visits, providing patients with access to medical consultations from the comfort of their homes. AI-driven diagnostics and personalized medicine are revolutionizing patient care, making it more precise and effective. Notably, in the realm of pharmacy, technology is streamlining operations, from automated dispensing systems to advanced inventory management, ensuring that medications are safely and efficiently distributed. For those interested in more information on this intersection, resources like offer valuable insights.

The Rise of Smart Homes

The concept of smart homes is becoming a reality thanks to … Read More